As English language has become a globally recognised and globally accepted language. It is widely accepted in today’s technologically advanced society, whether in schools, colleges, or workplaces. Indians, too, add importance to the knowledge of English. To solve that problem, Tree Campus is here to help. It is an online platform that enables learners to speak in fluent, grammatically correct English, free of cost.
English is important as it is accepted world and also frequently asked question from students about the value of learning to speak a foreign language or english language As a result, the following are the reasons for learning English:
- As English is a business language, knowing it opens up more job opportunities.
- It facilitates communication with both Indians and non-Indians.
- It offers opportunities for international education as foreign jobs require English language learning.
- It is also useful when travelling because it facilitates communication and bridges language barriers.
- It promotes better socialisation.
Tree Campus is a virtual platform that provides free spoken English courses to those individuals and students who need it. Through its free app, people can participate in courses designed to teach English and can learn from experienced teachers through video and textual content. The app has interactive sessions, games and even a conversation assistant to help the students. The spoken English course is divided in three parts, each having its own specification.
- Course : Section 1
This course is a basically an introduction to the whole curriculum of Free spoken english course, providing an overview of the basic concepts. This particular course has a duration of 30 days in which it is designed to cover all the lessons, of which there are 148 in total. It also comprises 30 quizzes which includes all the levels. In other words, the basics of grammar. The topics are well represented in both, visual and textual format, and it helps the students immensely.
- English course: Section 2
The section 2 of the course section is a bit more intricate than Part 1. It has 105 lessons in all and comes with 30 quizzes and its duration, like the Part 1, remains to be 30 days. Topics are available in both visual and textual format. The topics include revision of the Part 1, modals, verbs: helping and auxiliary, gerund and infinitive, agreement of the subject with verbs, idioms, transformation of sentences, interjections and exclamatory sentences, meeting conversations, and types of conversations.
- Spoken English course: Section 3
The Part 3 has 60 lessons in all and no does not have any quiz. This is the final part of the course, and it too has a duration of 30 days. The topics of the final part are more conversational based rather than usually grammar. They are revision of the previous courses, useful phrases, conversational skills, various moral stories, first impression, introduction of oneself and interview. All the topics are available in both, visual and textual format. The Part 3 of the course is designed to make one adept in English sepaking online for free .
All the courses are perfectly designed and are dedicated to help students learn English for absolutely free.