• इंग्लिश बोलना सीखे

    Learn Spoken English for FREE

    Learn English in 90 days. Course material includes both Textual and Video content

    Live Classes with Assessment Quiz

  • Learn English with Fun


    # Bird Saver Game
        अंग्रेजी अनुवाद सीखें

    # Lock & Key Game
        पर्यायवाची और विलोम सीखें

    # Vocabulary Game
        इंग्लिश शब्दावली सीखें

  • अंग्रेजी में वार्तालाप

    Virtual Companion - Spokee

    Meet your conversational assistant. Converse with your Tree Campus Virtual Spokee to bring your learning into action.  

    Download Tree Campus Mobile App for Free English Speaking Course 


    Learn Spoken English for FREE. Tree Campus Learning facilities are Free for all. Tree Campus Mobile App Online English Course includes both Spoken English textual & video content Students can access Spoken English course Online both textual & Video content 24/7

    English Speaking Course Online Free

    स्पीक इंग्लिश प्रोफ़ेसनली – अंग्रेजी कम्युनिकेशन कौशल को सुधारें

    TreeCampus Learn Free English

    अंग्रेजी बोलने और लिखने का पाठ्यक्रम

    अंग्रेजी में परेशानी (पढ़ना, लिखना और बोलना) या नियमित जीवन में दिन-प्रतिदिन संचार में आत्मविश्वास की कमी?

    TreeCampus Learn Free English

    सार्वजनिक बोलने और इंटरव्यू स्किल

    एक प्रोफेशनल की तरह इंग्लिश बोलना सीखें, एक बेहतर नौकरी पाएं; अपनी बिक्री बढ़ाएँ और अपने लक्षित दर्शकों को आसानी से प्रभावित करें?

    TreeCampus Learn Free English

    शब्दावली और व्याकरण सीखें

    Tree Campus पाठ्यक्रम स्टेप बाये स्टेप आपकी वोकैबुलरी और गंमर सीखने में सहायता करेगा


    About Tree Campus Mobile App

    Tree Campus is a digital platform that facilitates easy learning for all. Its service offerings of myriad learning tools and contents are made available free of cost to both teachers & students.

    Download App from Google Play Store to Learn Spoken English for Free

    We Bring You the Best English Speaking Course, Absolutely FREE!

    Tree Campus Mobile app, get the free app to learn English. Unleash your potential with the best spoken English course online free, offering interactive lessons for enhanced language skills. Download now to access top-quality, cost-free English speaking expertise. Your journey to fluency starts here.

    Spoken English Free
    Online course

    Tree Campus Mobile app makes online learning a fun. Browse the latest Free Online Spoken English course from experienced teachers.

    Gamification - Learn English with Fun

    Our online Free English speaking course are measurable both at course-level and module-level. Students can test their understanding using assessments.

    Learn English for
    Free Anywhere

    Learn English online for Free at your own pace, whenever and wherever. Online and Flexible way to learn spoken English for Free and study new topics absolutely free.

    Open Library

    Tree Campus Spoken English Educational Resources & Course Materials are Free for all. Tree Campus Online English Speaking Course include both textual & video content.

    Online English Live Classes

    We have remote English learning courses for everyone with interactive Lessons and Multi language course materials.

    Free Spoken English Course Certification

    Our Certified free online English Speaking courses are designed to gain new skills and earn a certificate on course completion.

    Tree Campus Academy offers free online live English speaking classes through YouTube and Zoom, featuring interactive lessons and expert guidance. The platform provides a supportive community and flexible schedules for learners of all levels.

    Tree Campus offers a comprehensive and free online English speaking course, accessible via their platform. Participants can benefit from interactive sessions, expert guidance, and flexible scheduling to improve their spoken English proficiency effectively.

    Tree Campus Academy Android app for free on the Google Play Store. It offers interactive English learning lessons, expert guidance, and a supportive community to help users enhance their language skills conveniently on their mobile devices.